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Prinergy Geometry Tool

Registered: Jan 30 2009
Posts: 2

Is there a way with Prinergy Geometry Editor Tool to apply the geometry to all pages if they are all separate pages. On a large job it sometimes takes hours to apply the geometry and save the files.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0, Macintosh
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Just an observation,
As the question is more a Prinergy plug-in issue than an Acrobat issue
a Prinergy community forum might provide useful answers.

Some obtw info:

--| Either Kodak's Prinegry Evo
or its Prinergy Connect may provide what you are looking for.
n.b., a link to product documentation is available at each page.

--| At Plant PDF, a post by mattbeals 01/2008
Indicates that "Callas pdfCorrect plug-in or Enfocus PitStop Professional"
may be an acceptable replacement for older Prinergy Geometry Tool plug-in.
That is they'd go with Mac OSX version of Acrobat 8.

Be well...

Be well...