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Problem copying text from a pdf due to a font with shadows.

Registered: Aug 19 2008
Posts: 2

I am having trouble copying text from a PDF document where the font looks like it has shadows. When it is highlighted and copied to the clipboard, every letter of the text is copied twice because of the shadow. Here is an example from the document:

GGrraamm SSttaaiinn RReeaaggeennttss
CCrryyssttaall vviioolleett
AAcceettoonnee--aallccoohhooll ddeeccoolloorriizzeerr

You can find a copy of the PDF here:

My Product Information:
Reader 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Acrobat does not have a shadow font so it uses 1 solid font and 1 hollow font, sort of like bolding on an old train printer or dot matrix printer, just print twice with a small shift paper or print head alignment.

George Kaiser