I have suiccessfully embedded a 3D pdf in an html file using the embed tags. If I crop the 3d annotation in the page, and set the doc to full screen, it works great, and just shows the cropped image. I recently make a more complex pdf, where I had the 3d annotation, (an animation), which i controlled through buttons on the pdf. If I try to embed it, using the same technique, there is a grey border showing around the edges of the pdf page, (not the annotation). How can I get rid of this? why is it showing?
I can send screen shots if needed. thanks.
I am using vista, and adobe 3Dacrobat trial 8.1.
You might want to double check the default background colour within the full screen option in Acrobat's preferences?
I've been using Acrobat since v1.0 and still get amazed by its power. An Acrobat ACE since 1999