I've got 8 windows XP-Win7 dual boot pc's to install with Reader X. Win7 installs perfectly. In XP only on one pc will the installer run to completion. On all the others the installer fails with message "Documenten is een ongeldige korte bestandsnaam" (Documents is an invalid short filename). There is no folder or file called Documenten on the system. I've tried both the AdbeRdr1010_nl_NL.exe and the .msi version; both give the same error. System was originally running Reader 9.3, which was uninstalled prior to Reader X (still leaves undeletable Identity-H and Identity-V in the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Resource\CMap)but gives the same error if I try to reinstall it. Been trying to install on and off for 3 weeks now. Help.....