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recovering corrupted PDF file after Acrobat is not responding

Registered: Sep 26 2008
Posts: 14

While I was working on PDF files, all PDF files were not responding. Ctrl/Alt/Del - programs other than Acrobat Pro 9 were OK - Ended task for all PDF files.
After I opened those PDF files, those could not be recovered.

1) Is there any way to recover PDF files when the file is corrupted?
2) Does anyone suggest a utility program effective in recovering corrupted PDF files?
3) What are the preventive cautions or actions to do before actually corrupted? (Auto Save is set to every 1 minute)

I heavily rely on PDF files for paperless documents. Please share your resources with me regarding this kind of problems. Thank you.

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
It depends what you're trying to recover and how corrupted the files are. If you're just looking for chunks of text, there are many third-party tools that try to find it. Recovering rich-media, comments, images etc. is a more difficult task, especially if the PDF was compressed.

Google for "pdf data recovery" and you'll find several products that might be able to help, but none will guarantee to work on a particular file as it depends which areas of data are damaged.

Auto-save is not much good if the corruption has been written to the original copy - the only reliable solution is to keep backups of your files / folders / disks, for example by mirroring them each night onto a different (external) HDD. That way you're protected against anything, including your computer exploding or being stolen, and you'll only ever lose 24 hours of changes. All decent backup software can be set to run scheduled mirrors, some are free, so you just need a USB or networked HDD.
Registered: Feb 1 2010
Posts: 85
Generally speaking, you can recover the data by some software. Try to search on Google and you may get some help. I have encoutered this problem before.
Because of high OS resource it cost when running Acrobat, I suggest you would not open too many files at a time. Maybe it would make your PC or MAC overload.

I will try my best to help you in PDF converison fields, objectively and Neutral.

sticker printer
Registered: Feb 23 2010
Posts: 2
Hi everyone,

You can use Advanced PDF Repair tool for the corrupted file.

Another option is use Recovery for PDF tool which is Data recovery software for corrupted Adobe PDF documents.
