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Redaction of everything that is present in certain area of pdf

Registered: Apr 29 2010
Posts: 12

Hello all,

We have a subscription of an electronic library at our work. Although we are allowed to print from this electronic resource, it prints captions (regarding copyright blah blah blah) as well. This sometimes can account for more than half page and hence if you print directly, you end up printing double the number of pages, half of the pages with only copyright issues.

If I am reading on a screen, I don't care but sometimes, I do have to print, say for meeting purpose or something. I wonder, if there is any possibility that I can redact everything that is present in bottom inch or so. Essentially, using the same technique as cropping but this time for redaction.

I noticed that due to this copyright notice, it doesn't OCR printed to pdf. In the large document OCR is essential to point to a specific page/chapter. If you OCR after cropping the document, this notice appears on the top of the image, totally messing up the document.

So my question is, does such thing exist in Acrobat Pro 9?

Thanks in advance.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3.1, Macintosh
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
see 5-9-10 posting in this thread
Registered: Apr 29 2010
Posts: 12
Actually, that post won't work.

I found some options in the comments section of by Lori Kassuba. I managed to run such preflight command / routine.

Now what I am wondering is if it really deleted the data, as I don't see any change in the size of the file.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Cropping is not the same as redaction.

You must have missed the section about undoing the cropping.

"Undo cropping"

"Cropping a PDF does not reduce file size because information is merely hidden, not discarded. By resetting the page size, you can restore the page and its content to its original condition."

Redaction when properly and fully done will remove the area and data marked for redaction from view and from hidden layers.

Just be careful in removing copyright notices. You could create legal issues for others or yourself.

George Kaiser

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
If you're in the USA, removal or obfuscation of a copyright notice is prohibited under DMCA s1202(b). Similar laws apply to almost every country that is a signatory of the Berne Convention.

Although redaction in a general sense is perfectly OK, using it to commit a criminal act is not; and cannot assist you in how to do it.