Is there a way to create a macro or custom tool to replace pages in multiple pdfs? I have many PDF that will have the same pages removed, and then replaced with new pages. I am looking for a more automated way to do this. Currently my process is to open each PDF, delete pages 6 through 10, and them insert another PDF after page 5.
You could do this with a Batch Process if you have Acrobat Professional.
In Acrobat go to Advanced ->Batch Processing. Create a New Sequence, name it, then click Select Commands. Under the Page section you will see that "Delete Pages" and "Insert Pages" are both options already set up in Acrobat. Select Delete Pages and click Add. Then with that entry highlighted click "Edit" to enter the pages you want to delete. Next add Insert Pages and click Edit, then browse to the file with the new pages to insert and enter where to insert them ( ex. After page 5).
Once you have the Batch Process set up you can run this on a whole folder of files at once.
Hope that helps,
WindJack Solutions
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions