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Search Index Pathway

Registered: Dec 4 2009
Posts: 2

Having an issue with the way Adobe Professional 9 holds the pathways for the search index.

An index.pdx is created and the index is built and saved in one location. Next all the documents and the index is copied to a new location in order to burn a cd. If the user opens one of the documents, goes to File, Properties, Advanced tab, and looks at the Search Index pathway, it looks correct. Problem is that even though the pathway seems to be correct, its actually pointing back to the previous location - behind the scenes. If the old location data is deleted, then the new pathway does not seem to work.

The only fix seems to be for the user to rebuild the index in the new location. This can take a long time depending the number of documents that are involved.

Is there a way to show within the document as to what pathway to the Index.pdx is actually looking into during the search index?

Is this a bug that can be fixed?

or does the user just need to know that if a folder containing a search index is moved, the search index will need to be recreated?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.2, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
For specifics, I'd have to know the directory/sub-directory/file topography.
Nevertheless, to have the outcome you describe, some things present themselves for consideration.

--| Where you are saving the *.pdx file(s) relative to the cataloged PDF file(s)?
--| What you are actually putting in the CD burn staging location?
--| For the aggregate collection (PDFs, *.pdx file(s), and PDX associated index files)
what is the "top hat"/"umbrella" directory?
--| Is everything under the "top hat" directory being copied to the burn staging?

The CD's root (as defined by whatever drive the player device is seen as) is, effectively a "top hat" directory.
In the staging zone, on the local HDD, some directory must represent this "top hat".
Call it <_aBurn> at c:\_aBurn.Under <_aBurn> you have directories and sub-directories.
Within these you have PDF files.

Once everything in <_aBurn> is good to go, build the desired *.pdx files.Mine get associated with PDFs at strategic locations in the navigation flow to/from/through disperate collections on a CD/DVD/USB Stick/USB HDD.

(PDF's Document Properties > Advanced tab > PDF Settings tab, for Search Index - Browse to the desired *.pdx)While you could do preliminary work in a location other than <_aBurn>, such a location would have to be fully congruent
with what will be burned to CD from <_aBurn>. This includes any *.pdx files.
All must be under one "top hat" directory.

Be well...

Be well...