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Search speed in Mac

Registered: Nov 11 2010
Posts: 5

I just installed acrobat on my Mac OS X system. I have previously used Acrobat 9 on Windows 7. In Win7, when I searched a large PDF the first time it ran through it, the speed was relatively slow, it might take 20-30 seconds for a 1000 page document. However after this process, the raw data was somehow saved within the PDF and future searchs, no matter what the term, would occur within a second.
However, on my MAC, no matter how many times I re-save the document or search, it still takes a long time to go through the whole document. I assume there is a setting somewhere that I need to adjust, but I cannot seem to find it. BTW, both search and find have this same issue.
Does anyone have any ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
version 9.4.0

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3.1, Macintosh
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
In the Windows version of Acrobat go to Acrobat Preferences.
Select the Catgory "Search" then look at the associated dialog.
The last entry is "Enable fast find" and a maximum cache size is specified.
Enable fast find is ticked by default in the Windows version.
A cache of 100 MB is the default cache size.

On your Mac, check Acrobat's Preferences. Do you have the same configuration options for 'Search'?

As to Find and Search. Find 'crawls' the PDF content item after item on each PDF page.
Search, to function, must have:
(a) an embedded index associated with the PDF or
(b) an associated Catalog index (PDX)

With the PDX (or tiered PDXs) or the embedded index available it is useful to configure
Preferences > Search such that the choice "Always use advanced search options" is ticked.

Be well...

Registered: Nov 11 2010
Posts: 5
Thanks for the response. So I have been doing some experimenting and am even more baffled now. First though, Enable fast find (100MB) is checked. However what I am noticing is this:

I have PDF's that I have copied from my PC. On the PC they quick search. On the MAC *Some* will quick search, but others will not. I cannot find any setting that differentiates them. Hence it seems to be something about the way the file was saved (the way the data has been stored in the file) that determines this feature. I have tried re-saving the files as "optimized" but this does not help. Actual if I re-save the file then put it back on the pc I cannot get it to quick search at all. I am thinking I might have re-saved these files under acrobat 8.0 and 9.0 does not have this feature readily available. Not sure though.

To summarize, the basic preferences, e.g. Search-> "Always use advanced search options" is the same for both PDFs, but one does quick search, the other does not.Any ideas on things to try?
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
It may be that the PDFs the support 'quick search' have an embedded index.
Once such a PDF is processed through Save As or otherwised processed such that it is re-saved the embedded index goes away.

As to the "Always use advanced search options", this relates to what is displayed in the Search pane/window/dialog when Search accesses a Catalog index (PDX file) that associates the index created by a Catalog index of one or many (many) PDFs.

Be well...

Registered: Nov 11 2010
Posts: 5
thanks for the response, I understand this embedded idea, however is there a way to check to see if a file has an embedded index? However the odd thing is that the file will quick search on my PC but will not on the Mac. Therefore, if there is an embedded index for some reason, sometimes the Mac will not read it properly. But as previously stated, sometimes it will.

I am fairly certain that the first time I searched these files on my PC it was slow. Hence I re-saved them and in the future they have been able to quick search.however, I am having difficulties duplicating this with Acrobat 9. Any further ideas?
Registered: Nov 11 2010
Posts: 5
I get your idea, but how does one embed an index into a PDF? And why would the embedded index work on the PC but when copied to the MAC not work? Any ideas?
Registered: Nov 11 2010
Posts: 5
I get your idea, but how does one embed an index into a PDF? And why would the embedded index work on the PC but when copied to the MAC not work? Any ideas?