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Set Show to Document Title

Registered: Sep 25 2007
Posts: 10

Is there a way to permanently set it so that the Document Title shows in the title bar for a PDF instead of the File Name?
To see what I mean, open a PDF, choose File>Properties, on the Initial View tab, see the Show drop-down list. The choices on the list are File Name (default) and Document Title. We want the Document Name to be the default. We can't find how to set this, so we end up always having to manually change it. We create a lot of PDFs, so it would save a little time if we could make Document Title the default.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
There is a difference between using the Save and Save as options.

Run the PDF Optimizer and use the Save as option with the same file name.

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