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Some Feedback

Registered: Nov 14 2007
Posts: 63

I was wondering, I enjoy creating interactive pdf brochures for my company. We are a real estate company and offer pdf interactive brochures for our clients. However, I just do not see any other industry using pdf interactive brochures. Do you think they are catching on slowly, or do you think more people are just using interactive web sites instead. I think pdf interactive brochures are the best only because they can be distrubted, instead of paying money out in advertising pushing people to a certain web site. Does anyone have any comments? I would like to know if pdf interactive is catching on slow, or if I am just not seeing it?


Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
I would say catching on slow. I think a lot of it is people do not understand what PDF is capable of. For some nice examples, check out With the new rich media capabilities of Acrobat 9, PDFs will get flashier (ahem).
