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Taking one PDF and dividing it into several chapters?

Registered: Aug 31 2008
Posts: 5


I'm using Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional at work and work on a PC. I have one PDF that is a textbook and want to take that one PDF and divide it into several chapters. How do I do that?

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Acrobat Pro 7.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
One can extract pages from a PDF and save them as a different file. Of course the bookmarks will be lost. This assumes there is no security restrions put in place and there will be no copyright infringment.

George Kaiser

Registered: Aug 31 2008
Posts: 5
Thanks, can you help me do that? I work with students who have a disability and need electronic format for texts and get the PDF direct from the publisher. The student is having a hard time using text to speech software with one PDF that is over 500 pages long. So I need to take that one PDF and split it into chapters, then I use Solid Converter or Abbyy PDF Transformer 2.0 to keep the formatting exact and covert into word.

Once I figure out how divide that one PDF into chapters I'll then use one of the above apps to transform into a Word doc.

One of my co-workers was mentioning something about taking a certain number of pages and deleting all others below it and doing that over and over again but thought there must be an easier way.
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Hi Firefly,
Something to try.

Suggest you do a save as on the master PDF to give yourself a working PDF.
Suggest you not delete pages from the working copy of the master (you may have an "ooops" and have to start again ).Open the master PDF, save as to a new filename.

With the working PDF open in Acrobat:

From the command menu.
Document > Extract Pages
The Extract Pages dialog opens.
From a list that maps page number range (PDF file's page numbering) to specific topics (title page, table of contents | figures | tables, chapters, index, glossary, etc.) you enter the appropriate "from - to" pages.

n.b., When I build a "page map" for this purpose I like to use the bookmarks to a topic's first page.
Chapter 2 shows "page 10" - use bookmark to Chapter 3 which shows "page 30" - so, end of Chapter 2 is 30 - 1 = 29.
Maybe 10 to 15 minutes effort.
If there are not bookmarks 8^( then "Page Down" through the file to locate topic page start/stop.

Click OK.
A new PDF opens (Pages from ... is the default filename).
If this PDF is not "on top" then click: Windows > 2 Pages from...
Save as to the topic name (e.g., Title_Page.pdf).
Close this file.

Repeat until desired content is extracted and new PDFs made/saved.

- just me nattering here -

If the source file was authored with accessibility in mind, using an appropriate authoring application, and the tagged output PDF was properly post-processed with Acrobat (8.1.2 Pro/3D or better) then the master PDF will have a well formed structure tree. This will remain with each page range extraction. One would expect that this structure tree, if properly established, will provide the screen reader the essential "hooks" it needs (for all 500 pages or for extracted pages that form the new files).

[edit: This tutorial for page extraction with javascript may be of interest
[url][/url] ]

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Aug 31 2008
Posts: 5

Thanks, I'll be a work on Tuesday and will try it out then and post if I have any questions.

I was about to tell the student that I couldn't break up the PDF since I didn't know how so this is a big help.


Well I wanted to tell you that your advice worked beautifully. I appreciate your easy to understand answer. :)