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Transparent signature in Acrobat standard 9

Registered: Oct 21 2010
Posts: 4

I have been trying to figure this out for several months now. I sure hope someone can help me out. I need to create a graphic signature with a transparent background for use in a pdf document. I have created a .png file with transparency, and all the background removed. The problem comes as soon as I bring it into Acrobat to create the signature, it adds a white background to it. I have tried every setting I can find but nothing seems to work. Is this a limitation of Acrobat Standard 9? I have gone through a dozen tutorials and the same problem occurs everytime I go to create the stamp or digital signature. Thanks.

Registered: Oct 21 2010
Posts: 4
Has anyone here gotten this to work and with which version of Acrobat?
Registered: Feb 15 2011
Posts: 3
The same problem obviously exists also in AcrobatX Pro.
I have not found a solution anyway.
Is there any official statement of


Registered: Oct 21 2010
Posts: 4
I finally got it to work, but ONLY using a bitmap image of the signature. The preview still shows a white background but when you actually apply the signature it will have the transparent background.
Registered: Feb 15 2011
Posts: 3
How did you create the bitmap with transparent background?
I tried it with photoshop CS2, no way.
It worked with Firework CS5, but the stamp made out of it, showed the same result: white background.
Any ideas?


Registered: Oct 21 2010
Posts: 4
I used photoshop elements, you have to use the background removal tool, I don't know exactly how that works in CS2. What I did was create a new, blank, TRANSPARENT background image. Then I selected only the signature with the select tool, then copied and pasted that onto the blank transparent background file. Then save as a bitmap and you should be all set. Good luck. If you get lost do a google search for "transparent signature" and follow what they say, just be sure to save as a bitmap in the end.

Registered: Feb 15 2011
Posts: 3
I found the following way:
Save a signature in Fireworks CS as a "reduced png" (Option: Index Transparency).
Create in PDF-XChange Viewer Pro (trial version) a stamp with it and stamp a (blank) pdf document.
With copy and paste this stamp can be now transferred to any Acrobat pdf including transparent background!
Do you think the Adobe people will probably love that way? :-)
