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Two Page View for "letter" pages; LEGAL docs get single landscape page

Registered: Apr 20 2010
Posts: 2

Didn't find this particular problem when searching the forums, so I'll start my own thread.

I have a very long pdf doc I'm creating from a boatload of mixed Word docs and pre-existing pdfs, photos, and legal-sized drawings.

The flow of the document should be 2-up pages at a time, EXCEPT when faced with a landscape-legal sized page. Then I want that page to be on its own (as it takes up the same amount of room as two letter pages side by side).

I do not care for printing preferences/issues - this doc will only be viewed online.

Can I do that?

Thank you so much for any assistance.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
you can display most (maybe all) of the portait pages 2-up, but any portait that is paired with a landscape must be set to 1-up (single page). here are the steps:

-one, on the thumbnails panel set width so that thumbnails are arranged in two columns (i.e., there are two thumbs in each row). this is relevant to step four.

-two, on initial view menu (edit > document properties) (or ctrl+D) set page layout to two-up facing and magnification to fit height; click OK.-three, on thumbnails select all (ctrl+A) and on page properties > actions tab > add menu item "view>pageDisplay>Two-up", click OK. ]-four, for all landscapes and all portaits paired with a landscape (pairs are easily identified when thumbs are displayed as recommended in step one) on actions tab delete the "Two-up" menu item created at step three and add menu item "view>pageDisplay>SinglePage", click OK. (tip: a pair of thumbs may be selected by ctrl+mouse)