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Typewriter --- No more edits

Registered: Oct 30 2010
Posts: 1

When I use the typewriter on a PDF document and I send the PDF document, other users can edit the information I inserted into the PDF document via the PDF typewriter.
Is there a way to meld the items I insert into a PDF document via the PDF typewriter so that people that I send the document to cannot edit such items?

Richard richard12815 [at] gmail [dot] com

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Acrobat Pro provides Preflights that will flatten annotations (e.g., typewriter tool input), form fields or both.
For form fields only, Acrobat Pro's PDF Optimizer can be used to flatten form fields.

The configure Preflight (available out of the box in the custom fixups category) can be used by a Batch Sequence to process one or many PDFs.

Be well...

Registered: Jun 7 2007
Posts: 2
Two options:

1 - You may password protect to not allow any changes. (File / Properties / Security / Password Security / Restrict Editing ... / Enable printing and Changes Allowed / None or select another option.
2 - You may print the PDF to a new PDF. The typed insertion will be flat like the rest of the text.

Note that text may be edited in many cases through Acrobat using the TouchUp Text Tool. I believe you need to password protect to not allow Change to prohibit editing other text.

Good luck.