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Using TouchUp Object tool to enable Bamboo tablet in Photoshop

Registered: Feb 10 2009
Posts: 4

I was successful a couple of days ago but no more (I know it can work very well). From an open MAC OSX Acrobat Pro 8 PDF, using the TouchUp Object tool to "edit page" using Photoshop CS3 as the editor, I now get the error message: "Could not complete your request because a color was specified using an unsupported color space." This error message shows up on many differently created PDFs. I've tried many fixes found on the web but am stumped. I know that I can use Bamboo to draw directly in Acrobat, but Acrobat does not support the brushes and pressure sensitivity that I need to "letter" with style.


Registered: Feb 10 2009
Posts: 4
I figured out the solution:

Open the PDF in Photoshop (in the "open" window choose RGB color). After it is open in it's new RGB format, save that file as a Photoshop PDF (un-check "preserve Photoshop editing capabilities). You can then use a graphics tablet with full Photoshop brushes, pressure sensitivity, color palette's etc. You get a larger file, but you can then use the Touchup tool to edit the full page in Photoshop. Reduce the file size in Acrobat when done.
