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Viewing PDFs in Microsoft Access

Registered: Oct 31 2007
Posts: 2

Hi. I just purchased a new computer, which has Windows XP PRO SP2, and MS Office 2007. I ran all of the updates for Windows and Office yesterday as well as downloaded and installed Acrobat Reader 8.1.1.

Now, on my older computer, I created an Access 2003 database where I scanned files, PDF'd them, and inserted them into Access 2003 as an OLE Object. With that said, I copied that database on my new computer, and I decided to test the database and data. When I open the PDF, it opens and is viewable, but when I try to close the PDF, I get the error message "The operation on the Acrobat Document object failed. The OLE server may not be registered. To register the OLE server, reinstall it." which only has an 'ok' button. So I click 'ok', and everything seems fine till I view another PDF and then try to close it, which then leads me back to this error message.

So I tried to research this error message, and I have only found questions about this error message with no answers. So can anyone give me any direction on how to fix this error message??

Registered: Jul 8 2008
Posts: 1
I'm having the same error message and could not figure out a solution. Any workaround?