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Visible Links vs Invisible Links

Registered: Sep 24 2008
Posts: 8

My users aren't fond of the look of visible links in Acrobat 8 Pro (on Windows), and prefer the invisible links. However, they're afraid their end-users won't know they've put links into the PDF or, if they do, where the links are? How do others handle this? Our documents can be very large. It would be a lot of extra work to come up with a page of links, something like a gloassary. Thank you.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
You say they dont want the linked text identified with an underscore or with a box, but they want the text identified in some other way. That other way could be to apply a color to the font (say, hyperlink blue) in the authoring app. When you create the pdf, be sure that you select 'color' and not 'black and white'. Now you can lay invisible hyperlinks on the 'blue' font text.
Registered: Sep 24 2008
Posts: 8
I didn't know if Adobe had a feature that would be useful or not. I'll assume not, and given that, this is a good idea. I'll pass it along to my users.