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Where are the help files

Registered: Jun 15 2009
Posts: 15

I click on Help->Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Help ...
and nothing happens.

Nothing happens if I hit F1.

Nothing happens if I try Help->Online Support.

So here I am with yet another stupid membership asking a question I don't think ought to need to be asked.

It's 9.1.2 actually, your list hasn't been updated yet.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.1.1, Windows
Registered: Jun 15 2009
Posts: 15
I kept searching and found a few suggestions (this seems to be a common problem) but nothing worked.

--the help files are where they belong and will open if the files are double-clicked
--repair did not repair

One suggestion was that using the custom option (as supplied in the installation program from adobe and which really only lets you opt to not install some components) is the culprit. I should have realized that it would come down to user error. I'm terrible that way, wanting my system set up my way.

I looked off-site. No joy.

Finally I ended up uninstalling adobe cs4. This caused my sound to disappear. But, since solving the adobe installation problem seems a terribly difficult thing, I won't ask about that. It's all right though, I got it back thanks to helpful people on other forums.

I re-installed and was happily surprised that I did not have to reinstall my old cs first. After going through the extraordinarily long install I found that ... I do not have help files available from the programs. Again. Unhappily, I wasn't all that surprised.

I uninstalled again. (Amazing how the hours drag by!) Tried again. This time I did not change anything during install, I just agreed with whatever adobe uses as it's defaults. Wouldn't want to upset the program, you know. Again no help files. Again, not surprised. Well, I need to amend that. A few components opened up, some wanted the serial number but wouldn't accept it. Those that opened up did not open the help files.

I have completely stripped my system of adobe and will probably try again. I am curious why adobe feels the need to change the security restrictions on sample and template files. But, I was able to delete those too. So, my system really is adobe free. No cs, no reader, no flash. Feels good, actually.
Registered: Jun 15 2009
Posts: 15
Perhaps a bit more information on what was needed to clean my system might help get me an answer.

After uninstalling and rebooting, I cleaned the registry. Having had so many problems, problems that got worse with each repair and reinstall, I checked the registry. There were over 5000 entries for adobe still in there. (this is after a complete uninstall) Fortunately, there are several freeware and shareware packages available to clean the registry. They work rather well, not perfectly but well, and paying a lot isn't necessary. Many of the registry entries were for acrobat 6. I've updated the reader with each new update, as I suspect most people do. Obviously each successive update left garbage behind. Which seems a very good indicator of what the problem is: the installers and how adobe uses them.

-obsolete registry entries aren't removed
-registry entries aren't updated, rather another entry is made
-the program can't seem to differentiate between obsolete and current registry entries and seems to use whatever it finds first and if it isn't the right one it just doesn't work
-install sets many registry entries, and some files, as hyper-restricted, this makes uninstalling and cleaning unnecessarily tedious

This makes for a terrible mess.

Obviously the installer needs to be fixed. Considering how well the 'stop the program until it is registered' feature works, it shouldn't be too hard for adobe to fix the rest of the installer.

Perhaps there are little utilities to clear the registry of version specific packages?

Perhaps there is a manual system of installing the program, or of repairing an install? Till there's a proper installer, at least.

Perhaps a list of some of the correct registry entries so we can at least check on some things?

But then, since adobe gets the customer's money upfront, I suppose there's less of an incentive to make the program work properly and fully than there is in making sure it's a legal copy.
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Have you tried using the [url=]CS4 Clean Script[/url] to repair any installation problems?

What OS are you running Acrobat 9 on? Do you have any redirects on your application data folder?

The Help files are also available [url=]online[/url]. These are the Community Help files in which you can apply comments to as well.

We're in the process of updating the product version selector to include 9.1.2 -- thanks for letting us know.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Jun 15 2009
Posts: 15
XP SP3 No redirects that I set up. *shrug* I'm more than tired of trying to chase down all the little messes the seriously flawed install/uninstall program has.

I prefer my help files to be on my system. I realize that setting it up online makes for a great feedback from the community. But, when there are problems I don't want the additional hassle, small as it may be, of having to go online to find the answers.

In the process of removing adobe programs I downloaded several registry products. Then I tried to reinstall and all of a sudden got the infamous (many, MANY posts on that) error that stopped the install. None of the posted solutions worked so I called tech support and we went through many different things, including the CS4 Clean Script (which only found something to delete when running option 4 -- and WHY does adobe hide the extra options?)

Eventually I tried the trial version I had and the install started. (I guess something has happened to my disk - though it looks fine to me - and I will want replacements for those, but that's for later.) But, there were several errors along the way with comments that several components did not install. I was able to start all the components though. Once again, for many of them (all but 4 actually) I don't have the help files. So, I called back and now my 'case' has been tossed one level up and I'm waiting a call-back.

Additionally, I just found out that adobe media player changed something and now for some flv files my preferred player won't play them. I tried resetting preferences for both players, no go. So, I uninstalled adobe media player and that didn't help. I reinstalled my preferred player and it still hasn't fixed the problem.

When I first uninstalled cs4, it trashed my sound on 'the way out the door'. Now it's (media player) messed with the flv playback. If adobe wants to change drivers for it's own use that's fine. It isn't fine to remove or destroy files so that once an adobe program is uninstalled I'm left with a ton of repair work for a system that ran just fine before.

If adobe put half the effort into the rest of the install package that it puts into checking if I'm using a legal copy the programs would work correctly and fully. And with a bit more effort, my system wouldn't need to be restored for daring to remove adobe's precious and flawed programs.

I've been at this for almost 2 weeks now and am very disappointed with adobe and the adoption of the M$ approach of viewing my computer as somehow being for adobe's use, rather than being appreciative that people are willing to spend their money on adobe products. That willingness will go away with problems like this. I can make pretty pictures with other products you know. This hassle on top of the huge price tag is 'insult to injury'.
Registered: Jun 15 2009
Posts: 15
Saga Update

I was not called back withing 72 hours. I called back today: ONE WEEK LATER.

After giving my case number I was asked for my identifying information and then ... left hanging. After waiting several minutes for the person to say something, ask something, or in some way let me know what's going on, I asked if he was being rude intentionally. I was told no and suddenly, and without warning, without explanation, the Musak (tm or whatever) button was pushed. It was toggled several times but he never spoke to me again. After several more minutes, someone else came on the line.

I gave my case number and identifying information AGAIN, and then described the problem briefly. Or, rather, it would have been briefly if she hadn't kept interrupting me. When asked for specifics about the problem, I started reading my list and was interrupted again to be told that I had called the wrong number. I explained that I had been waiting for a call back, had never been given another number to call, and that there is only one number for me TO call. I still had to ask for the alternative number before being transferred, it was not volunteered.

After being transferred (which is exactly like being on hold) for several more minutes, someone came on the line and asked me AGAIN for my case number and identifying information. This man did say he would need to read the case and it might take a bit. It did, but that is perfectly acceptable. He came back on and asked me to describe the problem. *sigh* I did (he also interrupts). After a minimal 'start and look test', he started me on the uninstall. (I told him FIRST about the sound and video problems resulting after the previous uninstalls/re-installs. He still wanted the uninstall. Though he did make a comment that M$ Office might be causing a problem.) The uninstall is slow going, and he asked if he could call me back. I explained about not having been called back before, and suggested that we could deal with replacing my disks while waiting. He then said that he would have to check on it and *pop* I was on hold. He came back and said that I had said the disks were fine. I said that that is true BUT that even though the disks look fine to me, the install using the purchased disks hadn't worked at all and the last install had been done with the trial disks, and that that should have been in the case notes. *pop* On hold. He said it wasn't in the notes. I said what goes into the notes is beyond my control and reminded him that when he had asked be to describe the problem I had included the information about the disks. *pop* On hold. He came back and said they would send disks. He took my information and said it would take 3-4 business days (which will overlap a non-business weekend) to get them, and to call back and reference the case number. He couldn't get off the phone fast enough and left me with the uninstall running. There is no cancel to the adobe uninstall.

So, I now get to finish the uninstall and decide if I'm going to try for another faulty install for the next 3-4 business days or just tough it out.

In 3-4 business days it will be 4 weeks worth of trying to get the program to install properly. (For those who look at dates, please remember that I searched the forums and googled first, trying several things before coming onto the forum with a post.)