Hi guys,
I've been trying to find the best way to get a pdf to print other pdfs from a combobox or even a pop up manu, but not luck yet. I'm a designer, not a programer, so i'll apreciate you use small words when you try to explain to me :D
I haven't found a script that will print another document so in the mean time i'm setteling with opening the document and plancing in it an autoprint script.
Additionally to the code you'll see down here, i have a combobox that lists all the options mentioned down here:
/*********** pertenece a: AcroForm:Aceptar:Annot1:MouseUp:Action1 ***********/
if (CboImpresion="doc1")
app.launchURL("http://ndo/route1.pdf", true);
else if (CboImpresion="doc2")
app.launchURL("http://ndo/route2.pdf", true);
else if (CboImpresion="doc3")
app.launchURL("http://ndo/route3.pdf", true);
else if (CboImpresion="alldocs")
app.launchURL("http://ndo/route1.pdf", true);
app.launchURL("http://ndo/route2.pdf", true);
app.launchURL("http://ndo/route3.pdf", true);
var msg = "No option selected"
Regarding your script, there are several errors in it.
First of all, you're using the assignment operator (=) where you should use the comparison operator (==).
Also, you're using an undeclared variable in an if-statement (CboImpresion).
- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
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