I am using MS Word and using the mail merge feature to create 40,000 reports 5 pages each with an Excell spreadsheet that has the 40,000 records. I am looking to archive and retrieve the 40,000 reports in a pdf format but not as one PDF file but idividually based on a unique field in the Excell spreadsheet DB. Summary: How can I archive/Retrieve these 40,000 generated reports in 40,000 PDF format reports - I am looking for a any Adobe product -Thanks
However, I do not wish to disuate you from your quest, but am here to help you with a solution, even if it isn't what you are expecting.
To start off with, what you are looking for a is document archive and retrieval system. Adobe Systems does not have one of those at this time.
You could go with an off the shelf product, but your document volumes are much lower than even the lower-end products are designed to handle.
I would not even attempt to use Excel. It is an over-glorified flat-file system and a poor substitute for what you need.
I would suggest looking at using an actual Relational Database (free (freeDB, MySQL, etc., commercial (Oracle, DB2, SQL Server), doesn't matter). The primary thing is for it to support BLOB data types - (Binary Large OBjets). You setup a table - 40K rows long, indexed on your key field(s) with one of the touples (columns) being the BLOB type in which you store the PDF.
You will find it to be much more stable, scalable, multi-user, web-enableable, etc. than excel or any other flat-file toplogy will support.
Good luck!
Douglas Hanna is a member of the Production Print Technology team at Aon.