Hi Experts!
In Outlook 2003, when sending an e-mail, there is an "Attach as Adobe PDF" option on the toolbar. By clikcing on this, it will allow you to convert any files into a PDF. However, we wish to reduce the file size of our pictures that we have. I noticed it seems to only reduce the file size of ".BMP" (Bitmap) color picture files and NOT ".JPG" (JPEG) coolor picture files. When I convert JPG's to PDF, it actually increases the file size rather than reducing it. Why is this happening and how can I rectify this issue? Thank you for your time!
Try changing your default settings in Acrobat Distiller from Standard to Smallest File Size. Any recompression of JPEG's will affect the quality of your images so check the resulting PDFs.
Hope that helps,
Ali Hanyaloglu
Ali Hanyaloglu
Adobe Systems Incorporated