I have searched and searched for this one and I am frustrated.
I am running a batch script to add 38 .pdf documents to a report cover and now I need to also create bookmarks for each inserted document (some are 1 page and some are 2 pages and this can change daily depending on the original report being generated) using a specified (but Dynamic) labeling system.
The good news is that the reports and labels are the same and outputted to the same .pdf automatically each night.
An example would be that a spending report for property #84 needs to be inserted and a bookmark created to that page that reads 84: Monticello Manor.
I have tried an array of labels and even a XML file of labels but I can't seem to:
1. get the current page from Acrobat
2. create a bookmark that actually DOES something
I am using the following code but it is obviously incorrect.
root.createChild("84: Monticello", this.pageNum);
Thanks in advance for your assistance!!!!
- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
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