So here is what im trying to do. I am using Adobe Acrobat 8 ProfessionalI.
I have a multipage form and the first page works as the input fields and then copies of those fields will populate throughout the other pages.
The two text fields im tryin to manipulate are called:
I am wanting the value that is inputted into "Borrower" to autopopulate in the "UBorrower" field. I also want the text that populates in "UBorrower" to be all caps.
I am having issues with the scripts. Im not sure if im putting them in the wrong place or if it is just bad code. This is what i put in the actions tab under the Text field properties of the "Borrower" Text field:
var BorrowerU=this.getField("Borrower").value.toUpperCase();
I set the trigger to onBlur and the Action is Run a Java Script (then pasted the script in the Java editor box).
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!!
event.value = this.getField("Borrower").value.toUpperCase();
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