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Autotab without losing information

Registered: Sep 6 2007
Posts: 2

I'm trying to create the autotab process for my form using Acrobat 8 Professional and editing in Livecycle 8. I've researched this to death and every response seems to be to use:
This does allow the automatic movement to the next field but the problem is that in the process you have to listen to the beep of it reaching its max character limit and you lose a character in the move as well (so you practically have to double enter everything which loses the point of not having to tab over). Is there a way to do this in a smoother fashion? I'd like to not lose a character in the process of autotabbing over to my next field. The beep I can live with if I need to. Any help you can provide would be much appriciated. Thanks!

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
How well your autotabbing works is a matter of how well your code is written. You don't have to lose a character.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Sep 13 2007
Posts: 5
Ms Jones: Had similar question/problem, found this Java Script on Google Forum posted by mbsnowrider in response to similar question by caryn681 [at] msn [dot] coml=event.value.length;
if (l==2)

Where '2' in the 'if' condition is the number of characters to reach (or an end-user to enter) before jumping to the next field. 'NEXTFIELD', as it may imply, the name of the form field you want to 'auto-tab' to once the number of characters you specify in the 'if' condition is reached.

I set the value of 'I' to one less than what I defined the field length to and got the character entered and auto tabbed without having the beeping sound. The field would accept 1 character and auto tab when "I"=0 (field length of 1) and 10 characters when "I"=9 (field length of 10). FYI I am using Acrobat 7 Pro on Mac, but I have tested in Acrobat Reader 8 on a Win XP Pro system and it works.

Hope this helps.

Lee Walters