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batch Collab.showAnnotToolsWhenNoCollab = true;

Registered: Sep 29 2009
Posts: 13

Is there anyway to batch the javascript function Collab.showAnnotToolsWhenNoCollab = true; ?

I have read that everyone is importing this function through an fdf file. I have thousands of pdf files that my customers search on my web server and save to their desktop. If I add the above function to the document level javascript it works great because they can make comments in the browser before they save it locally. It's not feasible to go and add this function to every pdf (there's more and more everyday). Can I batch this process or call one fdf file (similar to a css file) on my web server with this info?

Any help is greatly appreciated! I just need to be pointed in the right direction.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Jun 8 2010
Posts: 1
Is there a way to run a batch (java) in order to get a list of files that have any comments from a list of files