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Batch generation of signature fields.

Registered: Oct 5 2007
Posts: 17

We have tens of pdf reports, generated by a FileMaker database, that need to be digitally signed by a visible signature. How can I automatically generate a signature field within each file as soon as the file is printed by the database, so that officers can sign them without the burden (and potential errors) of generating the signature fields themselves ? Is it possible to do this under Mac OS X?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 6.0.5, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Yes, this is possible. But it depends on the tools you have availible to you. There are two ways. The easiest is to write a Batch Script. A Batch process is a way of processing multible PDF files and it is only available in Acrobat Professional. A Batch Script is a JavaScript that's run by the batch process. Use the "doc.addField()" JavaScript function to add the signature field to the PDF.

The other way to go about doing this is to use a 3rd party library or toolset. I don't know of one that will do exactly what you want, [url=][/url] is one of my favorites, but a Google search should turn up plenty. Also take a look at the [url=][/url] store.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Oct 5 2007
Posts: 17
Thanks, we work with Acrobat Professional 6, 7 and are buying vers. 8 in a few days.
I tried the batch script, but I cannot arrange it so that it is executed automatically executed every time a new file is created in a given file system folder, without having to start the batch script manually.