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Batch process export page to png

Registered: Jan 15 2007
Posts: 4

First time poster, beginner acrobat javascripter. I need to batch process the first page of hundreds of pdf files in multiple subfolders and create thumbnails 120x150.

to do this manually is to go File > Export > Image > PNG

1. How can i iterate through a directory structrue and all it's sub directorys looking for pdfs
2. Then file > export > image > png at 100% or preferably 120x150.
3. Saving the images in the same location as the pdf file.

And create a batch process for this method.

Thanks for any help in getting me closer to this goal.


Registered: Jan 8 2009
Posts: 63
doc.saveAs() will save to PNG, but I don't know what happens after that. See the Javascript API reference in the FAQ thread.