I'm looking for some more information (than the adobe help file) on batch processing. Specifically, automating a process of deleting, extracting, and merging multiple PDF's into one PDF file. Any information or suggestions would be much appreciated.
I'm looking for some more information (than the adobe help file) on batch processing. Specifically, automating a process of deleting, extracting, and merging multiple PDF's into one PDF file. Any information or suggestions would be much appreciated.
JavaScript Corner here at AUC has an article on Batch Processing you may find helpful-
As for the acutal script required to perform the deleting, extracting, or merging functions you want, you need to read up on those functions in the Acrobat JavaScript reference
(look under the Documentation tab on that page then scroll down to the JS section)
or hire someone to write the script for you. Keep in mind that for merging in a Batch Process you can't control the order in which the documents come into the Batch Process.
Hope that helps,
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions