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Calculation Help Needed

Registered: May 31 2008
Posts: 4

Hello I'm new here and this is my first post. I'm in the process of working on a project for school and i'm in the need of some help.

I have create a page in Photoshop and imported it into acrobat. The page is set up in the following way:

QTY Total

Package A

Package B

Package C

Sub Total


Grand Total

I'm need help in the calculation of the Tax Amount. I'm using the tax amount of 7.75%. I'm thinking to get the amount of take it will be the:

Sub Total * Tax (7.75)

The Fiels name are:

Sub Total = subtotal

Tax = tax

I have I explain this well enough to get some help.


Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
You can do this with Simplified Field Notation. In the Properties dialog for the field that will be doning the calculation, select the Calculation tab. Select the "Simplified Field Notation" radio button and then click edit and enter this code:

Thom Parker
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Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Jun 11 2007
Posts: 1
This was so helpful. Thank you for sharing. Now I will add a twist!
I am creating a mileage reimbursement form. First column is Mileage and the second column is the Amount.

Miles Amount to be refunded

2 1.17
3 0.00
4 0.00
Amount refunded column is calculated by typing miles*0.585 in the Simplified Field Notation.
My problem is when I use Place Multiply Fields to populate a colunm, I lose all calulations. I hope this explains the program. I really hope you can help.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Do not mix LiveCycle Designer FromCalc with Acorbat Forms Simple Field Notation.

Yuo might want to look at the video on demand seminars on the AUC home page to learn the differences between LiveCycle Designer and Arobat Forms.

George Kaiser