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caption.font.fill.color.value script

Registered: May 24 2010
Posts: 29

Running LC Designer ES2 9.0, using javascript

Adobe's "LiveCycle Designer ES2 Scripting Reference", April 2010, refers to a supposed ability to alter the color of a caption. From the text (page 173):

The fontColor property affects both the caption and the value of a field, except when the caption color is set through scripting.
For example, the script this.fontColor="0,0,255"; applies to both the caption and the value of a field.
You cannot use the fontColor property to change the font color of the field caption. To change the font color of the field caption, use

1). The caption.font.fill.color.value syntax does not seem to do anything to a caption
2). Is it just me or does that entire wording contradict itself? It states fontColor "affects both the caption and the value of a field", but then states except when it is set by scripting (??? The comand is a script to change the caption font!), then states "you cannot use the fontColor property to change the font color of the field caption".

???? It (the script) affects the caption, except when you use the script to change the caption, and anyway it will not change the caption.

Anyone know how to simply alter the color of a field caption?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: May 24 2010
Posts: 29
I should note: trying to change the caption of a textfield.