I have a field that accepts 9 numbers that have to be formatted to match a SS number 999-99-9999 or an EI Number 99-9999999
I originally just did a hide field when the radio button was selected but then it requires you to reenter the 9 digits. So now I'm trying to change the formatting of the field when the radio button is selected. this is where I've gotten and it just ain't working. any insight is much appricaiated.
as a Custom Format Script:
//see what radio button is selected
if (getField("Type").value = "SSN")
var v = "999999999";
v = util.printx("999-99-9999", v);
else if (getField("Type").value = "EIN")
var v = "999999999";
v = util.printx("99-9999999", v);
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