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Code to Populate a Image Field Based on Dropdown List Selection

Registered: May 20 2008
Posts: 16

Code to Populate a Image Field Based on Dropdown List Selection
I came across this code which enables you to show images from a drop down menu and it works fine my problem is I am looking to do this very same thing except inside of a cell of a table. In my scenario I have a form the customer selects the item type from a drop down list. The item small thumb image shows up in that row. He then hits the add row button then selects the next item and the picture for that item shows up in that row this continues through the form until the they are done

here is the link to the code I used so far.

Registered: May 20 2008
Posts: 16
Got it! I managed to figure this one out myself, For those of you who would like to have a photo show up inside of a table when a item is selected from a drop down list. Use the above url that shows how to do this within a form then put a subform in a table and reference that subform in its path by putting in the name of the subfrom plus a (.) before the image. Hide your images then you are able to put them on top of each other. Once that is done your all set. Happy Coding! If anyone would like a sample of this form, email me and I will send you it.
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi CPearson,

You should submit it for the Forms Gallery here at AUC.
