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Combining pages (same document)

Registered: Jul 13 2008
Posts: 4

I was wondering if there was a way to merge pages together inside one document?? for whatever reason the people at work are only able to add one table per page onto a pdf (dont ask why because i dont even know why.. in-fact im not sure anybody does). so my question is is there a way to do it? the number of pages are unknown (change per document) and the size of the tables is unknown (changes per document).

im thinking somehting like[].lastChild (there is a small header saying the documents file name at the very top and the tables are the only other thing after that). Then it find the height and checks the pages before free space and if there is a enough room, it moves it up... but Im not really sure where to start....

thanks guys.

Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Is this for a LiveCycle Designer Form? Or is this a regular PDF document converted from another format? A lot more information is needed before this question can be answered

If it's a LiveCycle form, the page and document layout are dependant on a number of parameters. For example, are the page subforms positioned or flowed? What is the master page size. What's on the master page? Header and footer areas will affect layout. The form hiearchy will also affect how things are layed out if there are Flowed sections.

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