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Controlling Window Tiles with JavaScript?

Registered: Sep 2 2007
Posts: 25

I'm trying to control how I have two documents open at the same time in a Reader window using JavaScript. I need to control both size and position of the windows for both documents.

One document I have NO control over; it's a pre-existing PDF that I do not have copyright permission on. However, everyone in my audience has a copy of it. I have created an Annotation/Errata document that I want to open next to the original document in Tiled Windows.

I have created buttons in the Errata that will open the original to specific pages according to which button is clicked. So far GREAT. (I have not coded it, but I presume I can create a Start function that will open the original doc when the Errata is opened.)

Right now, when the second (original) document is opened and I manually go to vertical tiling (Shift+Ctrl+L or Alt+W > T > V) the second doc is always on the left. The Errata may read better if it is on the left instead. Also, the Errata is formatted to a much narrower page so that the original can be presented as wide as possible. But the Window > Tile command makes them the same width by default. It would actually be better for usability/readability if I could position the windows so there is a small overlap instead of strict tiling.

Is there any way in JavaScript to emulate the function of the Window > Tile commands while controlling the positions of the two documents within the overall Reader window?

I have pored over the AcroJS reference doc and come up empty. Any suggestions?


Registered: Sep 2 2007
Posts: 25
I got a couple of "ask an expert" suggestions from Eugene Williams and Thom Parker.

The doc has useful info, but you cannot use those command line parameters with a link or button in a document.The method app.execMenuItem(TileVertical") does a big chunk of what I want. I can stack functions under the same Link or Button; the first opens the doc, the second sets the Tile Vertical layout. However, I cannot control which doc is at left or right nor can I change the automatic horizontal space assigned to each doc.

I found doc.innerAppWindowRect and doc.outerDocWindowRect. I wish I could use innerAppWindowRect to get the current space available and then with a little arithmetic figure out how to reset outerDocWindowRect for each document to postition them the way I want. Unfortunately, those properties are listed with an Access code of "R".

So I may have to punt and get part way there with app.execMenuItem and then have a popup comment to the user that explains how to adjust the widths of the document windows for best usability. Not pretty, but it will get things off the ground.
Registered: Sep 2 2007
Posts: 25
Whichever doc is the current doc when you issue the Tile command is the one that ends up on the left side of the tiled window.