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To convert Firstname and Lastname's first char to uppercase.

Registered: Sep 20 2010
Posts: 5

I need help, to convert a string of Firstname and Lastname to uppercase(only First character of both).
I tried as below but plz
var nam = String(dataFld);
var length = nam.length;
var nam1 = nam.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
var i=1;
if(nam[i]==" ")
nam1 += nam[i+1].toUpperCase();
nam1 += nam[i];

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
There are a number of ways to do this, but when doing names it can get you into trouble. Here's a function that converts the first letter of each word in a string to upper case, and optionally converts the other letters in each word to lower case. A side effect is converting multiple spaces to single space.

function toTitleCase(s) { // Regular expression for a letter, and followed by none or more lettersvar re1 = /(\w)(\w*)/; // Make an array of words that are in the input stringvar a1 = s.split(/\s+/g); // Loop through each wordfor (i = 0; i < a1.length; i++ ) { // Split word into first letter// followed by the rest of wordvar a2 = a1[i].match(re1); // Capitalize first character of worda1[i] = a2[1].toUpperCase() + a2[2]; // Alternatively, also convert rest of word to lower case//a1[i] = a2[1].toUpperCase() + a2[2].toLowerCase(); } // Return new string built from words in array, separated by spacesreturn a1.join(" ");}
Registered: Sep 20 2010
Posts: 5
function chkValidName(dataFld)

var re1 = /(\w)(\w*)/;

//Make an array of words that are in the input string
var a1 = dataFld.split(/\s+/g);

// Loop through each word;
for( i = 0; i < a1.length ; i++)

// Split word into first letter
// followed by the rest of word
var a2 = a1[i].match(re1);

// Capitalize first character of word
a1[i] = a2[1].toUpperCase() + a2[2];

// Alternatively, also convert rest of word to lower case
//a1[i] = a2[1].toUpperCase() + a2[2].toLowerCase();


// Return new string built from words in array, separated by spaces
var nam = a1.join(" ");

resolveNode(dataFld).rawValue = resolveNode(nam).rawValue;


I using this code as for your instruction ....
still then no result....

Can U plz check this.

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
The function was intended to be a general purpose function that returns a value based on the string that you pass to it. You would call it like this:

// Set field value to title casexfa.resolveNode("dataFld").rawValue = toTitleCase(xfa.resolveNode("nam").rawValue);

xfa.resolveNode("nam").rawValue = toTitleCase(xfa.resolveNode("dataFld").rawValue);
depending on which field is your input and which is your output. It not clear to me which is which.

Registered: Sep 20 2010
Posts: 5
Hello Sir as I m a beginner... i send U the total coding like..


function chkValidName(dataFld)
var re1 = /(\w)(\w*)/;

//Make an array of words that are in the input string
var a1 = dataFld.split(/\s+/g);// Loop through each word;
for( i = 0; i < a1.length ; i++)
// Split word into first letter
// followed by the rest of word
var a2 = a1[i].match(re1);// Capitalize first character of word
a1[i] = a2[1].toUpperCase() + a2[2];
// Alternatively, also convert rest of word to lower case
//a1[i] = a2[1].toUpperCase() + a2[2].toLowerCase();

// Return new string built from words in array, separated by spaces
var nam = a1.join(" ");
resolveNode(dataFld).rawValue = resolveNode(nam).rawValue;


as toTitleCase() is a user defined function. I can Change it...