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Converting Text to Upper Case

John Grand
Registered: Aug 18 2009
Posts: 18

Brand new to Acrobat forms. I have a basic invoice templete and need to convert text entered to all upper case. The form was created in Live Cycle. Does anyone have a sample form with code that does this.

Thank You

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 8.1.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
You can use the "Upper()" function in FormCalc in the "Exit" script:

$ = Upper($)

George Kaiser

John Grand
Registered: Aug 18 2009
Posts: 18
Entered code in form calc and rec'd this error.

script failed(language is formcalc; contest is xfa[0].form[0].#subform[0].Description[0])
error: accessor 'String.toUpperCase()'is unknown
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
You are trying to use JavaScript and not the FormCalc script that I posted.

There is more information on FormCalc under LiveCycle Designer's "Help => Scripting Reference".If you want to use JavaScript in LiveCycle Designer then you need to set the 'Languge' to JavaScript and use the following code:
$.rawValue = $.rawValue.toUpperCase();

George Kaiser

John Grand
Registered: Aug 18 2009
Posts: 18
Perfect both work great ..... Thank You
John Grand
Registered: Aug 18 2009
Posts: 18
I have a form with a button that sends the form by email. It call's Outlook, you press send and it seems to work fairly well. I am wondering if there might be a more efficient way to do this without going through Outlook or what ever email program is in use on a particular PC?