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copy data from dropdownlistbox 1 -> 2

Registered: Jan 9 2008
Posts: 8


Working with Interactive Forms i'm using Dropdownlistboxes.

I was wondering if it is possible to copy the data (the dropdown values) from the one to the other. With the FOR statement and Additem it works OK but to slow (javascriopt)

I would be please with a useful answer in code.


I'm a developper using Livecycle Designer in relationship with SAP (ERP-software) for developping Interactive Forms

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 19 2008
Posts: 63
How many items are in the drop-down? Even hundreds shouldn't be "to slow".
Registered: Jan 9 2008
Posts: 8
No no about 30000 a lot I know (know testing with 2000).

So i've one listbox with factory 's A - B -C etc.

a listbox with all the value like A-001 A-002 B-001 B-002 so when i Choose
A I will only see (in the 3thr Checkbox) the value with A-.... etc. I thought doing this in the PreOpen event usable for setting the rightdropdownvalues but It is slow

every time looping about 30000 to get the right listbox

AN idea ?

I'm a developper using Livecycle Designer in relationship with SAP (ERP-software) for developping Interactive Forms