can i create layers (OCG's) and place content in them?
due to different limitations in the PDFMaker for AutoCAD exporting to PDF is a crippled option. I'd rather create several PDF's from the same layout with different layer-settings. These pdf's I would like to merge, not one after an other, but all in the same page: Layers would be the answer. Once made I could then juggle around with the visibility. I could use createWatermarkfromFile("layers1.pdf"), but that would be just one.
DL-ed "Layers.js", but is it strictly 3D?
There are also a couple of 3rd party tools for creating OCGs from existing page content. "Stratify" from and "PDFLayerMaker" from Both products are a bit elusive to find on the web and might have been discontinued or merged into other tools. PDFLayerMaker is still listed on the Tools4Media website, but not on the Callas site.
Thom Parker
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