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Default user space vs Rotated space

Registered: Jul 1 2009
Posts: 17

Hi - I am hurting my brain trying to find a consistent relationship between default user space (dus) and rotated user space (rus).

I know of the transform to use for dus -> rus and vice versa. But I am missing something which seems related to the way the file was printed to pdf.

My task:
Position a annotation box on a pdf document in approximately the correct position where the user should sign. The user can move/size the annotation box into the exact position and press a button which then transforms the annot coords to rotated user space, creates a dig sig field, and signs it for the user (user having previously provided his digital ID and p/w). This works fine, but determining the default user space coords for the annot box is problematic.

This process seems inconsistent between different page sizes and the way the file was printed to pdf.
For an A2 landscape file (seems printed as A2 landscape), the dus coords are the same as the rus coords. All works fine.
For an A3 landscape file (seems printed as A3 portrait) the dus look correct (rotating to portrait shows the correct dus coords) and transforms to a new set of rus, but the annot box is wrongly placed.

I can fudge the coords but I would like a consistent programmatic process which works irrespective of the page size and print process.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.6, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi Greenstead,

This tutorial in the Learning Center may help-

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Jul 1 2009
Posts: 17
Thanks for that Dimitri. However it is that helpful tutorial I was already working from and I understand the rules that it describes. But I seem to get inconsistent results. I will keep testing and see where it gets me.

Is there any javascript cleanup I should be doing?
Registered: Jul 1 2009
Posts: 17
OK - turns out it was my varibles which were being corrupted.
I seem to be getting consistency now.
Registered: Jul 1 2009
Posts: 17
Will it stop my varibles being corrupted?