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Detecting "pseudo-fullscreen mode" in the browser

Registered: Dec 1 2005
Posts: 4

Acrobat 8/Adobe Reader 8 has a "pseudo-fullscren mode" while in the browser. Press Ctrl+L and the hand cursor has an up arrow on. By clicking on the mouse you get a fullscreen navigation control. My question is, is there a way of detecting this pseudo-fullscreen mode using JavaScript while in the browser? I can do it if the document has sub-page navigation (section 8.3.3 in PDF Ref), otherwise, I cannot. dps

My Product Information:
Reader 8, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Hello DP,
I've looked around and can't find any properties or methods that would detect this pseudo-FS mode. At least not directly. Other than searching for undocumented functionality, which I don't think would turn up anything, you could try compareing the various viewer/app rectangles. I've created a view params test doc that might be of some assitance.


Hope this helps,
Thom Parker
WindJack Solutions

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