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digital signature error "this document could not be signed"

Registered: Oct 1 2009
Posts: 17

I have PDF with Usage Rights enabled and featuring a digital signature so people with Acrobat Reader can fill out then digitally sign and lock the document. This document also has a button with the following javascript action:


This works perfectly in allowing the user to over-ride a field which is normally a calculated field. However, once this code is executed, there is apparently an error when trying to sign the document.

Am I missing something, or is this basically because the Enabling of Usage Rights in Reader means this javascript doing something that is restricted and therefor invalidating the signature?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.6, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
The Usage Rights you applied with Acrobat Pro, specifically the Form Rights, allow you to change the Field calcuation. However, deleting a script changes the the document to the point that the Reader Enabling is invalidated. Only mild changes like filling in data or signing the document preserve the enabling.

But, there is no reason you need to delete the calculation in order to block it. There are other ways that this can be done. For example, use a conditional in the calculation script to set "event.rc" to false.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info

The Acrobat JavaScript Reference, Use it Early and Often

Then most important JavaScript Development tool in Acrobat
[url=][b]The Console Window (Video tutorial)[/b][/url]
[url=][b]The Console Window(article)[/b][/url]

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script