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Disable the security warning while access local file in Reader 8

Registered: Oct 27 2006
Posts: 29

I just try to access this.URL in my javascript, if the file is on local harddisk, reader gave me the security warning;

"Trust Manager" of preference, I can not set the folder like c:\ into the trusted list; and It also not accepted the format like "file:///C/", "file:///C:/" or "/C", what can I do?

My reader version is 8.0


My Product Information:
Reader 8.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
In Acrobat 8 you can't do anything. Anytime Acrobat thinks code in a document is trying to access a local resource it wll ask the user if they want to proceed.

Acrobat 9 has a mechanism for creating trusted folders, so these warnings don't popup.

Thom Parker
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