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Display text box based on sum of combo box values

Registered: Mar 19 2007
Posts: 8

How do I display a text field based on the sum of several combo box tools?
I set several combo boxes with two values, PASS (export value = 0) and FAIL (export value = 1). I have summed these values to another text box and set it to hidden. I would like another text box to appear only if the sum of the combo box values > 0 (meaning that one of the combo boxes resulted in a FAIL).
This is probably insanely simple, but I have no JavaScript experience.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 6.0.2, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
This if very simple, but first, we have to know what forms technology you ar using. Was this form created in LiveCycle Designer (XFA Form)? or using the forms toolbar in Acrobat (AcroForm)?

In a Designer form the Field's "presense" property is used to control visibility and in AcroForms it's the "display" property.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Mar 19 2007
Posts: 8
Thanks for your response, Thom.

I am using the forms toolbar, not Designer.
Registered: Mar 19 2007
Posts: 8
Thom, any further thought on my question?