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Distiller Bulk Conversion

Registered: Jul 12 2007
Posts: 2

Can I use distiller to bulk convert 1000 powerpoint files? I know it has to ability to watch an "In" folder for "ps" files and immediately convert them, but what about Office docs?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8, Windows
Registered: Sep 28 2005
Posts: 248
Is there an easy way to accomplish this with what you have? No. Is there a way to accomplish this, period? Yes.

There are several avenues

You can use the Binder tool in Acrobat (File | Create PDF from Multiple Files) to combine them all together, then split them apart after the conversion process. There are a couple of low-cost plug-ins that can help in this regards.

You can write a VBA secript in PowerPoint that goes through each PP file in a directory and "prints" them to the Adobe PDF printer. So long as the resulting PDF file name is the same as the PP file, have the conversion act "sans-requester".

You can also do this using straight VB to drive both PowerPoint and Acrobat via their respective APIs.

The last method uses an external tool such as WinBatch to "grab hold" of the actual application's windows and requesters to drive the conversion. I have used this last method with a great deal of success.

However, all three require some sort of either coding, external tool or both.

I hope some of these ideas help.

Douglas Hanna is a member of the Production Print Technology team at Aon.