I was wondering if you could clear something up for me... it's about inserting multiple keywords as separate values while batching using scripts or javascript.. no matter the tool or method, multiple keywords get inserted surrounded by double quotes thereby rendering them useless as separate keywords... Using Acrobat javascript, I can't seem to get a handle on them because they are not seen as a part of the string's value...???? Can anyone help or point us to some documentation that can?
The JavaScript "" property is good for getting the keywords, but it does not properly set the keywords. To do this you have to modify the XMP metadata directly. Look in the JavaScript reference at the "doc.metadata" property. There's an example of how to use the E4X XML parser to modify the metadata. Unfortunately is does not show how to modify the keywords. But fortunately E4X is extremely easy to use. You can look up E4X examples at the Mozilla site.
I did write an automation tool that does show exactly how to modify the keywords. It's available to members at
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script