I have searched the forums and found some helpful information on creating custom dynamic stamps. I have managed to create a stamp showing "Received [date]" using the article/tutorial Creating a Custom Dynamic Stamp as a guide but ran into a problem.
I want the date to change according to the day the stamp is used. So if a document is stamped on a Tuesday, Tuesday's date would be inserted. If it's stamped on Wednesday, Wednesday's date is inserted, etc. I used the following custom java script to create this date:
event.value = (new Date()).toString();
AFDate_FormatEx("mmm dd yyyy");
The stamp then puts in the date, but it keeps the original date that I created the stamp instead of changing from day to day. I know if the code goes on the image before the stamp is created, it all flattens out and is ineffective, but I've tried adding the code to the stamp itself and I think I must be missing something because it still won't update the date. Any ideas on what I may be doing wrong? Is my code wrong for what I want to do? All the forums I've found talk more about interactive stamps with user input but that's not what my goal is. Thanks for any help!!
If you want the data in it to change you will need to use something else, like a form field.
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