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Embed Youtube video in PDF

Registered: Oct 30 2007
Posts: 21

I'd like to embed a youtube video into my interactive PDF. You tube lets you link to their site or embed. I'm not sure how to tell the PDF to embed the video. Does anyone know how to do that- is it javascript? I think what they give you on youtube is html code. Here is an example of what they give you on youtube after you upload your video (for embedding):

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
You're embedding example didn't come through.

Multimedia is placed into a PDF through what's called the movie tool in Acrobat Professional. The only options are to embed the actual media file into the PDF, or provide an URL to the media. The URL might work for this but I don't know.

But there is another way that I think will work if you have the right skills. Flash can display an HTML page, and Flash is a type of media that can be embedded into a PDF. It's a bit round about, but at least for now I'm pretty sure it will work.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Sep 3 2007
Posts: 1
If there is a video on YouTube that you would like to embed in a PDF, you might try this. There is some software called “Tube Sock” and it cost only 15 or 20 dollars. When you open a video on YouTube, copy the text at the top of the video and paste it in the window of Tube Sock. The software will automaticall convert the video and place it in your iTunes video collection. The video is converted to QuickTime. Take the QuickTime video that you have just converted, and select it with Acrobat's Movie Tool. Hopefully this will help with your project. I do not remember the web site for Tube will have to Google the name for the address.
Registered: Aug 8 2008
Posts: 1
We have a client that wants to use embedded AS, JS or HTML to load video through Brightcove so that they can utilize analytics, etc. Sounds like perhaps using HTML via Flash is the way to go.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Registered: Dec 17 2009
Posts: 25
I am trying to figure out to "How To Embed YouTube Video & External Audio Streams into an Acrobat 9 PDF?"My 1st Goal is to Take the Embed HTML Tag information Provided on a YouTube Video Page and Embed it into a PDF.

The 2nd Goal is to be able to Embed the HTML Tag information for streaming audio from an externally hosted website down into the PDF.

I have attempted to use the Multimedia capabilities of Acrobat Pro 9 but it will not recognize the YouTube Provide HTML Embed Tags.

Ideally I want to be able have several video and audio files streamed to a single PDF file.

Does Anyone have any idea how this can be accomplished?

I am on a Intel Mac with OSX.10.6.2

Note: I Watched the above YouTube Video but this technique will not work for me as I need to have a series of Youtube video's placed specifically within a page layout for a newsletter.

Thanks in Advance,

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Embedding YT is simple in theory, but in practice you need to download both the video and the player itself "live" from the YT server to comply with their terms and conditions. Also, some of the buttons on the standard chromed player won't work in a PDF (resize, etc.) - which is why they created the chromeless API player -just a video box, no controls, no post-roll ads, no nothing. You load it using another SWF (called a wrapper) that deals with all the downloading of assets, communication to the parent document, error reporting etc.

You can use the free Flash wrapper I discussed in last month's Tech Talk to download instances of the API player into your PDF pages (inserting the wrapper in the usual way with Acrobat Pro 9, as Flash media instead of videos).

The wrapper SWF is controlled with document-level JavaScript (both to recreate playback buttons etc and to tell each instance which video ID it should load). You could link one instance to a PDF form if you prefer, for example using a pulldown selection field to pick the video. There's an example PDF plus all the JS and SWF files here - take it apart to see what code lies behind all the buttons and functions:

If you have Flash CS4 you can edit the wrapper to suit your needs. We'll have some different versions uploaded shortly that replace some of the YT player chrome and read video playlists from attached XML files.
Registered: Dec 17 2009
Posts: 25

Thanks for the reply. The main issue I have with this solution is that I need the standard YouTube controls to be used as I have no room to keep the flash based controls on the page like they use in the example from the pdftube website.

I can't believe that this is such a major issue.

Do you know if just making an HTML page with all my design elements and content could be converted to a PDF Page? This could be a work around...

Registered: Dec 17 2009
Posts: 25

Thank you so much for looking into this deeper, now I have to assume this just a Mac Limitation then which Adobe has no idea is occurring. Unfortunately their support costs for calls is insane so I will either have to do all of this a PC or find how to do it on a Mac OSX system. I believe I have the older version of Acrobat as well. I have another Mac OSX Laptop running Leopard 10.5 which I am going to test all of this on just to be sure it is not a Snow Leopard 10.6 issue with Acrobat Pro 9.3

Thanks so again.