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Event.value with two subjects of instructions ...

Registered: Nov 26 2008
Posts: 28


is there a chance to modify the script below in that way, that there should be two subjects of instruction as a point of reference?

For example: Beside the "event.value == "Englisch" there should be one more condition to fill the field ("englisch") with the number 1. This could be - for example - a combination or the two subjects of instruction - may be English and Mathematics ??

The script :

if(event.value == "English")
this.getField("english").value = "1";

Kind Regards

Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2399
You can add more conditions using the logical operator && , but an event can't have two values at the same time... Is this a multiple choice list? If not, you need to check the value of another field, like so:if((event.value == "English") && (this.getField("math").value=="math")) { ...

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Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
In the old school, one converts the field value to upper case or lower case before the comparison of the strings, when one can not control the value of a field or capitalization is not an issue.

// clear field// custom calculation script// field for which the language string is enteredthis.getField("english").value = "";// convert value string to lower case and compareif(event.value.toLowerCase() == "english"){this.getField("english").value = "1";}

For testing 2 fields in and placing the result in a third field, the custom calculation script for the 3rd field could be:

// get the value of the fields to compare in lower casevar sLanguage = this.getField('english').value.toLowerCase();var sMath = this.getField'math').value.toLowerCase();// test for both fields if(sLanguage == 'english' & sMath == 'geometry') {// action for both fields}// only english and not geometryif(sLanguage == 'english' & sMath != 'geometry') {// action for english only}// only  geometry and not englishif(sLanguage != 'english' & sMath == 'geometry') {// action for geometry only}// neither english or geometryif(sLanguage != 'english' & sMath != 'geometry') {// action for geometry only}

Another version of the above:
// get fields to comparevar sLanguage = this.getField('english').value.toLowerCase();var sMath = this.getField'math').value.toLowerCase();// test values  for both fields switch(true) {case (sLanguage == 'english' & sMath == 'geometry') :// action for both fieldsbreak; // end testing// test for english onlycase (sLanguage == 'english') :// action for english onlybreak; // end testing// only  geometrycase (sMath == 'geometry') :// action for geometry onlybreak; // end testing// all other valuesdefault:// action for none of the abovebreak;} // end switch choices

The alternative option allows for very complex relationships and one only needs to get the order of the testing correct.

George Kaiser