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Extract a PDF file attachment?

Registered: Nov 18 2011
Posts: 8

Hi everyone
can someone help me to write a Javascript that could extract a PDF file attachment? I search on this forum and some others but I didn't find any solution… i think this could be done using a link or a button, but i didn't find how to write this JS.
Thanks for your help

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.1, Macintosh
Registered: Nov 18 2011
Posts: 8
Finally i just found the answer, I need to put this JS to a button:
this.exportDataObject({ cName: "MyPDF.pdf", nLaunch: 2 });

For information, the number 2 corresponding to:
nLaunch (optional, Acrobat 6.0) nLaunch controls whether the file is launched, or opened,
after it is saved. Launching may involve opening an external application if the file is
not a PDF file. The values of nLaunch are:
● If the value is 0, the file will not be launched after it is saved.
● If the value is 1, the file will be saved and then launched. Launching will prompt
the user with a security alert warning if the file is not a PDF file. The user will be
prompted for a save path.
● If the value is 2, the file will be saved and then launched. Launching will prompt
the user with a security alert warning if the file is not a PDF file. A temporary path
is used, and the user will not be prompted for a save path. The temporary file
that is created will be deleted by Acrobat upon application shutdown.
The default value is 0.

If it can help someone…

Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
Jerome69 wrote:
● If the value is 0, the file will not be launched after it is saved.
Try it before, it's buggy…
